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No Deposit Band est.1969
This Band was officially started in the Summer Of 1969 at the corner of Short & White Streets in Tompkinsville KY. (Newtown) It was the time of the season, The Woodstock Era & The Vietnam War, Make Love Not War Themes were everywhere.
Everyday it was very prevalent in the Hearts & Minds of the young 60's kids, Especially the earlier music of that Era, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Santana, Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, The Who, Sly & The Family Stone, The Temptations etc. That Awesome Motown Sound. It really had a positive impact on everyone especially Mark Wheat & Jackie Hagan to really want to start a Band at the ages of 11 & 12! Music was our escape from reality during that time period, all we wanted to do was practice.
**The name 'No Deposit Band' came from when we were walking back from Stephens Grocery in Newtown with Cokes & Peanuts in hand, we didn't have a name yet, we saw the 'No Deposit - No Return' on our bottles and just like that,, the Band had a name, we later dropped the No Return and went with the 'No Deposit Band' to current.
We were going thru some changes with the Band's personnel and briefly changed our Band's name at one time in the early years to 'Loving Care' we quickly changed it back,, some of you will remember that name and if you don't,, that's just cool too lol!
**We were Brother's, we were going to start a Band so Mark Wheat taught Jackie Hagan how to play on his Guitar, the two of them would mow yards and pool their money so that Mark could go take a Guitar Lesson from The Awesome 'Johnny (Peanut) Hagan' Guitarist for the 'Blue Glass Band' then Mark would come back all excited and share his lesson with Jackie where they spent hours on the Front Porch together practicing until our fingers literally bled on Mark's Guitar, this is a true statement guys, because back then nobody knew anything about setting up a guitar, we just played it as it was and it was killer on the fingers too!
It is truly amazing how our love for music has stayed with us all throughout the years in each one of our own very souls. One thing is for sure, People and Things will and do change, but the Music & Songs always remains the same.
**Later on Jackie Hagan bought his 1st. Truetone Electric Guitar & 10 watt Truetone Amp at the Local Western Auto Store on Main Street. He put it on the Lay A Way Plan and with the help of his Brothers Mark Wheat, Greg Witty, they walked for miles picking up 100's of Pop Bottles on the sides of the road, filling their wagon and Bicycle Baskets and returned them to the store for 5 & 10 cents per bottle.
Herman Fay (Fay Jay) Johnson (That name was given to Fay by the Legendary "Stitch" Poland) also helped us,, That was just how all of the kids from and around Pedigo Street rolled back in those days.
*** Note: People are like Dang, we don't remember all of those kids living on Pedigo Street! Well it is just a Metaphor for all of the surrounding streets, White, Short, Main & Monroe Drive etc. We always had enough kids for 2 complete Softball or Football Teams!,, LOL!
**The Four Original No Deposit Band Members were Mark Wheat / Lead Guitar - Jackie Hagan / Rhythm Guitar - Greg Witty / Bass Guitar & Jeff Witty / Drums. Later on Jack Dodson started with The Band on Bass Guitar & Sidney Hale started on Drums.
**Greg Witty along with The Awesome June continued to run our sound by ear (you old school guys know what that is) until we stopped playing.
Thru the years of 1969 -74 others would play in the Band , Gary & Stevie Pennington, Clurie Eagle Tooley, Danny Davis, Patricia Emberton, Jerry Hodges, Davy Myatt.
***Now back to current day Todd Coop, Travis "Hank" Briley , Barry Ledbetter, Bobo Long, Tayde Capshaw, Biff Beville, Donnie Abney Jr, Jason Bow, Timmy William Smith , Brian Johnson, Colin Gaddie, Dale Johnson, Steve Jones, Ray Hammer , Craig Bush ( Night Falls Coming ) , Steve Jewel Sr ( Night Falls Coming )., Steve Travelstead, Mike Maggard, Aaron Hogan ( Tennessee Holy Water ), Donnie Clark, Chuck Wethington, Webb Hendrix ( Orchestra Kentucky, The Capitol BG, The SkyPac BG ), Donnie Miller, Jon Nesbitt, Tony Thurman, Steve Jewell Jr., ( OTIS, now with Blackstone Cherry ) have all contributed Greatly to the Bands success!!!!!
**The very 1st. song NDB learned to play back in the day was Jimi Hendrix - "Hey Joe" and the 2nd. song was "Born To Be Wild "- Steppenwolf, we were livin' the dream! This began the NDB era and made our mark as a Local Cover Band in the building behind Greg Witty's House at a Birthday Party!
**Outside of the 60's acts, Our main influences were local bands The 'New Musical Express' 'Mydle Of Tyme' and The 'Blue Glass' Band. We tried as best as we could to invade their practice sessions at The Scene.
**The Myatt Brothers had an Awesome Band as well especially with Davy Myatt on the Keyboards for them (he also played some Keys with NDB).
**The 3 Man Band 'Rock Of Ages' was a really good Rock Band also!
Mark & Jackie could hear the "Blue Glass" practicing across the way from our houses (Mark's Porch) at Ronald (Peanut) Hagan's House on the hill on a Calm Cool Tompkinsville Night. Also that's where Mark Wheat would walk to take his Guitar Lesson.
That was such a long way across that Hill Farm field! Not to mention Mr. Hill had that Big Ole Crazy Bull that would run you off if it saw you,, (But that was really kinda fun making it mad and running for our life) We had no fear back in those days, Especially Mark Wheat, LOL That Boy was a Crazy, Crazy Kid,, LOL!
**Speaking of Mark Wheat one Summer Mark & Jackie decided to Dam Up the Creek beside the Red Cap Factory so we could swim in it, and we did too.
There was a large vine hanging close so we got the water level way up to waist deep and it was Awesome too!
Well Daredevil Mark had to swing off with vine first, so he got on the creek bank, took all of the steps back that he could, took off with the vine in his hand and gave out a Big Tarzan Yell, he went air borne briefly because the Vine broke just before he hit the water and Mark landed on his back on the dry creek bed!! LOL!! He was rolling around then he just stopped moving.
Well I (Jackie) was still laughing so hard until I saw he wasn't moving, I started hollering at him and he didn't respond, so I took off and just as I got to him, Little did I know, He was playing Possum and the $%^# grabbed ahold of me and scared the living crap out of me!! I fell back too and we both were just rolling with laughter! Good Childhood Times and a True Mark Wheat - The Neighborhood Daredevil Story! The Guy had no fear, Born Crazy!! LOL!!
**The 'Blue Glass' Band, especially Mark Kendall & Johnny Hagan was so cool, they would let us play during their breaks when they had dances at the Old Armory on Monroe Drive or the New Armory in Grandview, they really helped us to get our start. Plus we got to see all of the Neighborhood Girls!! Diane Goad, Pamela Bedford, Jill Carter, Sherry Witty, Janice Johnson, Terri & Sherri Spence just to name a few!!
**We would also gather and sit at the end of the porch or on the steep bank at Hascal & Hallie Hagan's white house on the corner hill (it's gone now) above the Swimming Pool (it's gone now) every Friday or Saturday Night in the Hot Summertime and listen to the bands. They would cover the fence with Tarps but we could see them up there on the hill! Louie, Louie - Monkey Time - Knock On Wood - House Of The Rising Sun - Land Of 1000 Dances, After Midnight, Child Of The Midnight Sun, Wipe Out, My Girl was the crowd favorites during that Awesome Musical era and it still is today!
And usually later that night a lot of Guys & Gals would climb the Swimming Pool Fence and have a blast.
**Walking home one time our Very Cool Police Officer Arzie Gettings RIP asked us who that was that broke in to the pool, we were scared to death, especially when we said we just couldn't recognize them because it was really dark,, Mr. Gettings just smiled and told us to get home and he meant,, Now! LOL! We Scattered like mice!! He was a Very Cool Police Officer!
We spent many, many days at that pool as kids, it was really Daycare for the kids! We would open it and close it!! The Dr. Jack Martin Family ran it,, all of the Guy Kids was in Love with Jane Martin and The Girl Kids was in Love with Neal! True!!
**We would also 'Camp Out in The Green Club House' then sneak out and go sit on the porch at The Jones Motel (Gone Now) on Main Street and watch the kids cruising around Main Street and listening to the Cool Jukebox at the Tastee Freeze!
It would be blasting out all of the Tommie James & The Shondells Tunes - Hanky Panky - Crimson & Clover - Sweet Cherry Wine - Crystal Blue Persuasion, Draggin' The Line etc. You could hear it all over Tompkinsville,, We knew then and there that we were going to play in our own little band sometime very soon!! There would be no holding us back!!
** One of our He-Man Club Buddies is the current Tompkinsville - Monroe County Sheriff!! The Awesome Dale Ford!! "Frog" to all of his friends!! Wow what a Great Story! We went to Tompkinsville Elementary School together, Walked on The Black Water Pipes that crossed the Creek on Magnolia Street many times! We could not have imagined 50 years later where we would be, Wow! 50 years!
The Tastee Freeze Jukebox was such a Great Inspiration for us kids,, Can y'all even imagine how many Ice Cream Cones & Cups Of Ice for Our Boone's Farm Refreshments (we already had lol) got handed out thru that little window in front and the Drive Thru,,, Wow! What a Great Time to be born in small town Tompkinsville,, the 60's & 70's was Crazy Cool! Dancing at The Scene! Drag Racing! Skinny Dipp'n The Swimming Pool! Dumas Walker Runs,, and we will just leave it at that for right now,, LOL!
**We practiced in Mr. Witty's Chicken / Dog House on Pedigo Street,, Jack's Parent's Basement, (40 Years later, we practiced in Jack's Basement at his home,, Crazy History Stuff Right) Sid's Apartment, above Jake's Barber Shop, in a little House on Capp Harlan Rd. and later on for the most of the time we practiced at The Scene! But their were other places too!!
**From time to time we would sit on that retaining wall next to Pick's Barber Shop (Gone Now) and The Scene at Hascal Hagan's Sinclair Service Station (Gone Now) and grab a Genuine Mexican Hamburger at Palmore's Cafe (Gone Now) everyone loved Ed Poland and listening to The New Musical Express play "Child Of The Midnight Sun" just right across the road! Are you kidding,, Wow! Such Great Memories!!
**Also an FYI,, that spot where Pick's Barber Shop was (Gone Now except The Foundation remains) because of the elevation and it was a great look to the north was the most popular picture taking spot in the City Of Tompkinsville for Events.
**Cool Story Here,, We also practiced some on Monroe Drive in the Garage at Bennett Bedford's House. One day while on Monroe Drive the Band was really Rockn' it out, we were trying to impress Pamela (Bedford) Blythe and some of her girl friends there at our practice, (You know all bands have their Groupies) and someone in the neighborhood called the Police on us,, yeah the Police!! Well All Right Now,,, That's the Big Compliment for a wanna be Rock Band Baby!
Well the Officer pulled up to Mr. Bedford's Garage and said, you boys better turn that $%^&* down right now and he had better not be called back over here again either!!! Well we sure turned it down, and yes,, No Deposit Band had officially arrived as Monroe Drive's Enemy #1 "The Neighborhood Noise Makers" LOL,, Yeah Baby!
*** Our First Speaker System was state of the art! It was made from a Combination of speakers from all of the Chevrolet Garage Wrecked Cars & Trucks Courtesy of Mr. Tom Dodson!! We had no dang clue what we were doing when we wired them up, we just knew we had a lot of dang speakers!! LOL!!!
**We played all of the local spots, Burkesville, Celina, Red Boiling, Edmonton etc. with the majority of our time at our local venues such as The Armory, Band Hall, Student Center, High School then moving on to most of the time being regulars at The Scene, especially after games when the T-Ville Bears would win!!
**We played at The Elementary School in Gamaliel Ky. in the early 1970's and got the Rock Star treatment! We were so jack' d up after that Gig! It was like The Beatles first US Tour for us,,,, Wow!!! It was an unbelievable time in our lives!!
Everyone would make a Dumas Walker Run and be ready to Rock! It was just the Best Of Times to be a Musician / Teenager in the 60's & 70's because everyone wanted to Celebrate and Dance. Kids could be gone all day as long as you were home before dark.
We had no Cell Phones then, our neighborhoods were safe, our doors were unlocked and we got the Living Hell Beat out of us as kids and we all survived it, just a great small town to grow up in as kids!
*** Funny Story: Gary Walker of now Gary Walker Photography and Rickie Hagan were No Deposit Band Roadies in the early days, they went everywhere with The Band. We were getting set up to play at Printer's Park one day and Gary reminded us about the time we had a Gig in Celina Tn.
Jack Dodson had a Corvair Pick Up Truck, we all loaded it up and all 4 Band Members road in the front like sardines in a can! Jack could barely shift gears LOL. Well that left Gary & Rickie to ride from Tompkinsville to Celina in the back of that Corvair Truck, so when we got to our Gig, Gary & Rickie were froze to death and them young'ens were raising some serious Hell too! LOL!
We made sure they had plenty of cover on the way back! Thank You Gary for reminding us, Good Times! We Love Ya Brother and your Photography Rocks!!!
**In 1972 the Band won 3rd. Place in the Monroe County Fair and in 1973 the Band won the 1st . Place Trophy at the Fair, also in 73 the Band became the lease holder at "The Scene" in Tompkinsville, not only did we play there all of the time, we rented it out to others, one notable band we frequently rented to was "The Itchy Brothers" from Edmonton who later went on to greater fame as the CMA Grammy Award Winning Kentucky Headhunters! Awesome Job Guys, Lot's of Love and Respect here for y'all, we are so proud to have shared the same stage with you Guys!
**The Band also has in our possession The Original VOX Super Continental Organ that was used at The Scene in the late 60's and early 70's by the late Gary Agers. Also Gary Pennington played it during his time with No Deposit and many others did as well before him,, it was sweet, sweet music hearing that VOX running thru that true Leslie Amp, and was that thing ever heavy, wow.
It is the exact same model used by the famous Doors, Grassroots, Paul Revere and the Raiders Band on their Hit Songs Louie, Louie - Good Thing - Just Like Me etc. WOW!! Too Cool and we still have it and we plan to donate it to The Monroe County Historical Society if they ever allow No Deposit Band to be a part of History they have on display from other Bands, But Haters are Gonna Hate, There was only 1,500 Super Continental Organs made and it is now at least 50 years old! If those keys could only talk,, Hmmmm.
**After High School in 1974 the band broke up and everyone went their separate ways. Then by chance in 2014 Mark Wheat got the Original NDB reunited after 40 years and thus began a new chapter of Rock N Roll in Tompkinsville KY! We started out again preforming with the original members but it was just not to be, too many life things prohibited us to remain together,, but No Deposit Band survived and it has kept the Original Dream that Mark Wheat & Jackie Hagan had to a have Rock Band still going!
*The Venues are just to numerous to list, so here are some of our Highlights,
Monroe County Watermelon Festival - Music On Main Tompkinsville - Vet Jams - "Light Up The Ville" Tompkinsville - The Plaza Theater Glasgow Ky. Opening Up for The Artimus Pyle Band - Mitchell Creek Marina - The Bowling Green & Glasgow KY. Bar & Grill Scene, Regulars in Gallatin & Portland TN. and this year 2020 NDB will be playing in Nashville TN. Music City USA for the First Time, We are Very Blessed!
*MCMC RLFL Benefit Tompkinsville National Guard Armory, it had been 42 years since we played there, NDB helped Vicki Smith and her Awesome RLFL Team with this Event,, Giving back is a Blessing, the RLFL Volunteers Rock their tails off to help make this Fundraiser a 100% Complete Success! NDB was Proud to be a Very Small part of it!!
*"Light up the Ville" Fireworks Show Tompkinsville City Park in front of 1,800 plus people was so Awesome, There are No Words!
**We are currently on Facebook with over 4,400 followers!
**YouTube Channel Video Cover Plays are over 88,000!!
**Reverbnation Channel just went over 85,000 plays with over 7,600 followers!!
** Our No Deposit Band Website has got over 27,500 hits now!!
*** NEW! We just started our New NDB Facebook Fan Group,, 'NDB Friends & Fans Group'!! We have got,, 860 Members Now,,, Wow!! THANK Y'ALL for your support!!
**Also a Big Shout Out to our Very Cool Friend, Brigitte Gnadig from Talheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany! She plays our Cover Song Music on The German Internet Radio all the way across The Pond!!
Plus she is working with both NDB Pages and the Graphic Art Posts you see are all Brigitte's,, She is Awesome!
Thank You Brigitte for the NDB Love!! We Love You Girl!
Yes you read it correctly, that little ole 'No Deposit Band' that is Originally 'Straight Outta Tville' is getting their Cover Songs played in Freak'n Germany!! Dang it just keeps roll'n on!
**Another Big Shout Out to The Awesome Nancy Woods of Nancy Woods Photography! She has numerous Video & Picture Credits all through this website of The Band Members, and Our Friends at Numerous Gigs! We are very blessed to have her eye for detail on this website! Plus She & Eddie Carroll are always coming out and supporting No Deposit Band & Live Music in General all over the community!! Thank You so much,, We Love You Guys!!
**Another Big Shout Out! NDB was on WNKY TV 40 "The Scene" with the Awesome TV Personality Julie Milan, the host of the show that promotes Local Music / Musicians in Bowling Green Ky. NDB preformed our "To Love Somebody" Cover at The A-Frame Bar & Grill located close to The Western Kentucky Campus. As Julie said in the video,, "From Tompkinsville to Bowling Green, No Deposit Band Is Bringing The Love" what an honor for this Band.
**Performed at The Dog Day's Of Summer Festival in Auburn KY!! 2 Years in Row
**Performed at The Music On The Square Festival in Adairville KY!! 2 Years in a Row
**We got to perform at The 2019 & 2022 Vet Jams at The Plaza Theater and on location in Glasgow KY.!!
Check It Out,, Sharing the same Freak'n Stage with The Artimus Pyle Band!! Yep! Artimus Pyle, Lynyrd Skynyrd's Rock N Roll Hall of Fame Drummer!! Wow!! Thank You Ernie Wagoner for this opportunity! Giving Back is such a Great Experience!
**No Deposit Band had by far the most supporters at this Event,, Thank Y'all!!
** NDB was just recently recognized as Hughes & Coleman's WBKO Hometown Hero 2022 for our Community Service Work, Wow!
What a Great Honor for this Band!! We are very Thankful & Very Blessed!!
That's Right!! No Deposit Band is giving some well deserving Monroe County High School Seniors Students $500.00 Scholarships!!
This is made possible through our NDB MERCHANDISE SALES!! 100% of Every dollar goes to our Scholarship Fund! We giveaway more Scholarships if we continue to have our Awesome Support from all of Y'all!! You Rock!!
*** To Date: The NDB Scholarship Fund and The Mary Lou Waller Scholarship Fund has given 19 Scholarships out for a total of $9,500.00 to our Awesome Monroe County High School Seniors!
**Plus The Mary Lou Waller Scholarship Fund has give another $6,000 in Donations for other events such as Childhood Cancer, Veterans & Monroe County Shop With A Cop!
**If any one wants to purchase one, it's easy, all anyone has to do is go online at or Buy them at a No Deposit Band Gig!!
** We donate our time and efforts everywhere we can, We want to give back!!!
** Anne Pyburn Craig wrote a very cool article in The Monroe County Citizen about The Bands Musical Roots and how NDB now has a forever place in Tompkinsville Music History as kids starting a little Band in 1969, from the Woodstock Era to the Modern Day No Deposit Band!! You Rock Girl!
**We are like everything else in this Life, we are constantly evolving by bringing in new talent to keep NDB going strong, We are truly blessed to be able to do this thing again and we appreciate every single one of you that comes to our shows,, more than you will ever know!
***Our Newest Member is the Awesome Steve Jewell Sr.! He plays Lead Guitar and Sings. He brings an Unbridled Spirit to our Band,, He Rocks! FYI in case you don't already know this,, Steve has a Very Talented Son, Steve Jr. that is now playing Bass Guitar for Blackstone Cherry and he has sat in with NDB on Drums many ti!! Dad did good with this one,,, Wow!
***No Deposit Band has gone from, **trying to get Booked Somewhere to, We cannot not play all of the Venues we are asked to play!! WOW!!! "Straight Outta Tville"
We all know if it were not for your Love & Support (and you Guy's & Gal's know who you are) this would not at all be possible!
*** Also because of you guys, No Deposit Band is Quickly becoming one of The Best Dance Bands in Bowling Green KY!!
That's Right and Thank You all for your NDB Love & Support! Our Following Freak'n Rocks!! WOW!!
***And Last but not least No Deposit Band has to recongnize The Awesome Photography of Terry Ferguson Simpson! She has taken 1,000's of Pictures for No Deposit Band!! She Rocks!!
***No Deposit Band has weathered many, many obstacles, Haters Etc. out there and it has only made us stronger. It's absolutely Very True, how you handle adversity will define your success.
***Some People will always laugh at your Dreams, but then hate you when you make them come true** You have one Life and one Journey, Haters are always gonna Hate! Refuse to let them win!!
Just Know this,, NDB has no intentions of letting up until The Good Lord above says that time has come,, so until then, We are Rock'n!
We are very proud of our Childhood Days of growing up and making music in our Small Town of Tompkinsville and we are constantly working to have a Cool Sound out there that makes us all Proud while also making everyone Aware of this Local Band's Tompkinsville History!
So no matter how hard the haters try to Minimize Us, Block us on a Public Forum and Ignore Us, Our History will not be erased, Not by anyone!! We are making that Statement every single day at every single Gig, with every single NDB Scholarship and every single song we get to play!! God Bless Y'all!!
Yes we are always Tompkinsville Proud and We have only just begun,, God Bless your Journey, Rock On!
Best Regards,
No Deposit Band Est. 1969
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