Pictures from The 42nd. Annual Monroe County Watermelon Festival! Courtesy of Crystal Clear Photography!! Rock On!



No Deposit Band would like to Thank Everyone that was involved in any way with The 2nd. Annual Mary Lou Waller Scholarship Fund Benefit Concert Fundraiser!
*All of the guys in Confederate Railroad You Rock'd Da House!!
**And especially a Really Big Thank You to all of the 100's of folks that bought tickets and filled that Plaza Theatre Up,, You Guys are Our Fantastic "NDB Train" of Family & Friends Wow!
** Chuck Wethington Sr aka "The Chuckster" Big Thanks for Rock'n that Master Of Ceremonies Job you had & Everything else that you do for NDB behind The Scenes!!
** Big Thanks to Taylor Riggs Jackson's Mom for her Update on Little Jackson's Cancer! He is in remission now, What an Awesome Testimonial! She received a $1,000.00 Donation from The Mary Lou Waller Scholarship Fund to help another Childhood Cancer Victim.
** The Barren County ROTC!! Wow! You Guys & Gals Rock’d The Night! They received a $500.00 Donation from The Mary Lou Waller Scholarship Fund for their Awesome Performance!
**All of The Sound & Lighting Folks,, Wow! Hunter Carmichael we will definitely be doing this again Brother!!
** All of the Guys & Gals at HOG WILD BBQ Debra Staples & Apryl Dawn Hagan from Tompkinsville KY. for Catering our Event!
** Carolyn Glodfelter - GM at The Plaza for Everything,, Wow!!
** My Rock'n Brother N Law Doug Reece for providing Confederate Railroads transportation from The Hotel to the Show & Back!
** My Awesome Wife Deb and my Sister N Law Jill Jackson Reece for selling $1,000.00 in No Deposit Band Merch!!
** The Show of Security at The Plaza!! We Love You Guys!!
** My Gone Now But Will Never Be Forgotten Mom, Mary Lou Waller Scholarship Fund for Sponsoring this Wonderful Night! I hope you know what is going on here in your name.
** Terry Ferguson Simpson / My Roe Tompkinsville Ky. Thank You so much! You were everywhere Girl!
** My Childhood Brother Mark Wheat, What can I Say, He and I started No Deposit Band 55 Years ago in Tompkinsville, Kentucky,, Dreams really do come true, never stop believing!
** Nancy Woods at Nancy Woods Photography,, for the Awesome Pictures & Video that is now posted! Awesome as Always!
** The Great Guys that were there all day long to help everyone, They sure made The "Load In, Load Out" look Easy!
** All of The Radio Stations for The No Deposit Band Love! Lisa Clark! Randy Marrs Kerr You Rock Brother,, Thank You for The Monroe Monday Show and The Awesome Event Advertising!
** Big Thx to Liberty Imaging for everything you do for NDB!
** And the most important one to Thank is our Good Lord Above for all of This MLWSF Events Success and watching over a Great Night of Love & Giving!
God Bless Y'all and We will be doing this again Bigger and Better next year! Don't Ever Stop Believing because this Event was only a Dream and look what has happened! Love Y'all!!
NDB Friends & Fans Group: Everything No Deposit Band! Est. Summer Of 1969